How Vastu Help For Design Home

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian system of architecture and design that is believed to help bring harmony and balance to a home by using principles of space, energy flow, and orientation. Here are some ways in which Vastu can help with designing a home:

Orientation: Vastu recommends that a home should be oriented in a certain direction to ensure a positive flow of energy. For example, the entrance of the house should face east or north to bring in positive energy.

Space Planning: Vastu provides guidelines on how to plan the layout of a home to ensure that there is a balance of space and flow of energy. For example, the kitchen should be in the southeast corner of the house, while the bedroom should be in the southwest corner.

Color Selection: Vastu also recommends certain colors for different rooms in the home to promote positive energy flow. For example, red is considered to be a good color for the living room, while blue is recommended for the bedroom.

Furniture Placement: Vastu provides guidelines on where to place furniture to ensure that it does not obstruct the flow of energy in the home. For example, the bed should not be placed directly under a beam as it can create negative energy.

Decorative Elements: Vastu also recommends the use of certain decorative elements such as plants, mirrors, and lighting to enhance the positive energy flow in the home.

Overall, Vastu can be a helpful tool in designing a home that promotes harmony and balance, but it is important to remember that it is just one approach to design and should be used in combination with other design principles and personal preferences.

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